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Friday, July 02, 2010

The Jockeys of Jakarta

Ingenuity is something that is a feature of the emerging world. In my recent trip to Indonesia I noticed this phenomenon evolve a business model out of a regulation passed by the government.

Typical of cities bursting at their seams and with opportunities, Jakarta has a huge number of automotives that descend on the streets cometh the rush hour. To reduce the traffic burden in the core business district (CBD), the Jakarta Traffic Police have come up with a regulation. The regulation states that when a private car enters the CBD, there have to be a minimum of 3 people in the car. This was a move to encourage car pooling. The fines that one has to pay if the regulation is violated are steep. However, I didn't meet a single local who knew what the fine was. Everyone manages to get away with IDR 50,000 as coffee money to the cops. Don't be scared by the numbers, the conversion rate for IDR to INR is 200 and to USD is roughly 10,000.

Cut to the streets of Jakarta. Just before you venture into the CBD, you see people standing on the footpaths with their hands outstretched and pointing their finger(s) at the sky. This number of fingers pointing indicates the number of people willing to be temporarily employed as "Jockeys". So this is how it works, you are one person short of three, you pick one Jockey from the street. They accompany you to your officeand there you drop them off paying them IDR 10 to 15,000. If you are alone, no need to be concerned about picking up 2 adults; there are plenty of women jockeys with their infants in tow. The mother and child count as 2.

"Necessity is the mother of invention", so very true. Though I was shocked at the thought of picking a total stranger to accompany you in your car, there are some locals who have the comfort of "regular" jockeys as well. Ingenuity Indeed!!! 

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