Circa 3500 AD.
Captain's Log:
Day 365: Closing in on a yellow star. Looks like there are terrestrial bodies circulating this yellow star from our research on the star.
Day 380: Went past an asteroid belt between giant planets. Minimum damage to the space shuttle.
Day 384: Closing in on the 3rd rock from the yellow star. This is from where our scientists had deciphered a distress signal for help. Preparations to land on the alien terrain made for Day 385.
Day 385: Special day in the history of our species. Amazing discovery made. Proves that there was intelligent life on this planet that communicated with our scientists. Sadly, no evidence of any existing life forms.
Air Samples: Contain high levels of sulphur-di-oxide, carbon monoxide and carbon-di-oxide.
Water Samples: Contaminated with different forms of chemicals, some unknown to us.
Terrain: Only a small bit of landmass has survived. The rest is covered with contaminated water. Seems to be a result of huge nuclear activity coupled with seismic activity that destroyed the lifeforms on the planet.
Day 386:
Discovery: We have insights on what the life form that inhabited this planet looked like. They were small (2-3 feet in height and 3-5 feet long) four footed animals. From the evacuation site, we were able to get a pieces of artificially created, hard, grey colored slabs. Seems to be a ritual or sacred routine to set their feet in cast on these slabs. Going by the structure of the feet, it is amazing how these life forms could create something which could destroy the entire planet or for that matter something as simple as the slabs they left their footprints on.
Day 387:
More success. Discovered another slab colored in their star's color. Has a strange inscription that I have tried to recreate here - ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು
Going by the number of cement pavements in Bangalore that have dog paw prints, this is what would happen if beings from other planet were to discover Bangalore after the earth is destroyed. ;)
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